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The Healing Faith's Bylaws


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    a. Size - The Healing Faith Temple should be of a size comparable to the demand of the faithful and conform to local construction laws and city codes. Example: A Healing Faith Temple with a capacity of 1,500 persons (1,000 adults, 500 children)  should have at least 500 parking spaces. There should be handicapped access for retirement home vans to be able to drop their residents off at the front entrance area of the temple. And they should remain their for the duration of the service until their patrons are ready to return back to their residence.

    b. Pot Luck Buildings - Two pot luck buildings for after service sharing of a meal are to be placed behind the temple at opposite corners; one is for married members and their children. The other pot luck building is for singles and divorces. Friends of either who do not fit the description of those allowed in each of the respective pot luck buildings are to attend the pot lucks in the building that suits their description status.

    c. Clubhouse -  For a Healing Faith Temple the size of 1,500 people, there will be a clubhouse for certain members of the local community who have qualified as guests and/or adherents, but are restricted from certain areas and under strict supervision for most of their entire stay on temple grounds, including their own bathroom breaks. The amount of restricted guests and adherents that are able to attend the Clubhouse at any time is bound by the vote of the entire local Healing Faith Community through referendums, as are all bylaw amendments. However, if adherents say of a county chose to vote to restrict one or more groups which are eligible to benefit from the power of The Healing Faith's restorative beliefs in giving and hearing Testimony may be sued by the state or continental affiliates, whereby their temple is issued a cease and desist order to reconfirm to The Healing Faith's bylaws at state or continental level.



    a. Until His retirement; or, end of His (maximum two, four year) terms; or, a vote from the Continental adherents of The Healing Faith after them reaching a point of 45% of continental adherents to say 'yea' to force a scheduled a continental vote, The present God and President of The Healing Faith is Amb. Jonathan Rodgers Chase, who is also an Ambassador of Peace, and Humble Most Humble God and Messenger for The Creator of The Universe and The Galaxies For The Here and The Beyond and The Heavenly Committee Of The World's Recognized Faiths, which numbers approximately 1,267 as of May 17, 2017.

   b. Gods of The Healing Faith are always Gods, whether they retire or are forced into retirement - say after losing an election after their first term is over; or, whether they die a mortal death. All Gods become Gods emeritus with the exception if The Healing Faith's adherents chose to havei a Healing Faith God who has past His or Her time on earth and be called back into service to serve on The Heavenly.

   c. There is no vice-God in the Healing Faith. There is only one God of The Healing Faith who votes on destinations of either Heaven or Hell for the adherent after they have died a mortal death on earth after The God of The Healing Faith dies a mortal death and God emeritus. Special dispensation has been given to Amb. Jonathan Rodgers Chase, to allow all Healing Faith adherents entrance in Heaven pending His arrival to settle the adherents true destinations of either Heaven or Hell based on the nature of their actions and behavior in Heaven. All prior Healing adherents behavior on earth is considered wiped away until The God of The Healing Faith's arrival in Heaven to determine the disposition of The Healing Faith's adherents.

   d. Amb. Jonathan Rodgers Chase, The God and President of The Healing Faith, an Ambassador of Peace, Humble Most Humble God and Messenger for The Creator of The Universe and The Galaxies For The Here and The Beyond and The Heavenly Committee has been granted the ability to currently judge the current disposition of any living person and animal on the Planet Earth, according to the will of The Creator of The Universe and The Galaxies For the Here and The Beyond and The Heavenly Committee Of The World's Recognized Faiths.


    a. Each State within a nation, and the nation at large, as well as each of the eight continents of the globe are required to appoint via an adherent-wide election within their own, state, nation, and continent, their own President and Board of Directors of The Healing Faith for each respective state, nation, and continent.



        a. A Board of Director's Council serves the entire congregation as the source for all development, employment, appropriations, and any and all other issues set before 
The Healing Faith Temple. There are cases in which a member of the board-council
would have to recuse themselves such as in the example if one of them was a 
relative of a vendor.  

        b. Board of Director Council Meetings are to be scheduled every two weeks, 
on a weekday night; perhaps on a Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and last until 9:00 p.m. 

      c. The agenda for the upcoming Board of Director Council Meetings must be posted 72 hours in advance on the local affiliate's website.

        d. All Board of Directors' Council meetings are open to adherents as well as the
general public to attend. No children under the age of 16 will be allowed to attend in person. Those children between 16 and 17 years of age will be required to be
accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to attend Board of Directors' Council Meeting; neither an older sibling or friend with suffice as a substitute for the parent or legal guardian requirement. All meetings are to be closed-captioned and live-streamed for adherents to hear and see at home if they so choose.

        e.  Adherents and guests of The Healing Temple must submit a card to the 'sergeant-at-arms' if they want to speak on any topic on the agenda of which they may have a concern. Written submitted comments either from absent Board Members or the Healing adherents or guests will not be considered if they have been are received before the conclusion or argument before votes of the board members have been cast on an agenda item placed before them to be voted upon that night. If the agenda item is tabled for some reason for a future date then, of course, written comment and/or concern and/or recommendation on said agenda item will be posted on the local affiliates website and considered by the Board of Directors.

        f.  All submitted commentary, either in public or written form, on agenda items before the Board of Directors' Council Meetings are considered open commentary for adherent and public consumption.


Each of The Healing Faith Temple Affiliates will have the following committees in order to be a force in their community for vibrant social and political action based on each adherents ability to vote in governmental elections. Subject to the vote of the local congregation and The Board of Directors, each Healing Faith Temple Affiliate will have a a minimum the following committees which will convene every two weeks, on every Wednesday night from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. so that items passing each committee can be placed on next week's Board of Directors' Council Meeting the following day to meet the 72 hour minimum adherent and public disclosure bylaw. A somewhat archaic alternative to this disclosure procedure is known as Robert Rules of Order.

Business and Entrepreneurship 
Commerce, Science, and Transportation 
Computer Lab and Library
Environment and Public Works 
Foreign Relations 
Governmental Affairs 
Aging, Health, Labor, and Retirement 
Housing and Urban Affairs 
Humbleocracy Economics 
Indian Affairs 
Oversight, Replace, and Reform
Temple Intelligence and Security 
Veterans' Affairs 


Employment at The Healing Faith's local affiliate as well as county, state, national, and continental levels must conform to all legalities according to government law at each respective level. Each person hired must be given due consideration without any form of discrimination based on race, previous employment, most criminal histories, and sexual orientation.

       b. All hiring and dismissing is done by The Board of Directors in closed session in the presents of three persons invited by the subject under review in support of His or Her defense for employment or against dismissal or perhaps asking for leniency  instead of dismissal.

       c. All hiring and firing is subject to note taking by members of the Board of Directors' Council Staff. Three Board Members are required to rule on hiring and firing decisions, which must  be brought up at the following Board of Directors' Council Meeting to render a verdict.  


        a. Gmsexual (former known as heterosexual) ministers are to perform rites and sermons at seemingly predominately gmsexuals leaning Healing Faith temples.

         b. Gsamesexual ministers are to perform rites and sermons at predominately gsamesexual congregation Healing Faith temples.

         c. Msamesexual ministers are to perform rites and sermons at predominately msamesexual congregation Healing Faith temples.

         d. Bisexual ministers are to perform rites and sermons at predominately bisexual congregation Healing Faith temples.

         e. Transexual ministers are to perform rites and sermons at predominately transexual congregation Healing Faith temples.

         f. Either gender is allowed to attend any of the above services as long as they are respectful and accepting of the predominate nature of The Healing Temple of which they are attending.

         g. Sermons will be no less than 30 minutes and no longer than 40 minutes.

         h. Ministers of any sexual orientation of norm ( gsamesexuals, bisesexuals, msamesexuals, or transexuals) are eligible to deliver sermons at any of the above temples subject to a vote from the Board of Director's Council meeting as an agenda item to be heard. Any adherent can come before the council to propose a minister to give a sermon at their local Healing Faith Temple affiliate upon first getting the permission of said minister's inclination in person, writing or video conferencing into The Board Members’ Council in order to put their name on the next agenda docket for a vote approval or rejection.


Please understand that The Healing Faith does genuinely give benefit of the doubt to the aggrieved who choose to tell their testimony; however, there may be isolated cases in which the testimony of a very small minority of the aggrieved does not entirely ring true 100%. Nevertheless, this fact does not in any way shape or form taint the entire canvas of The Healing Faith's steadfast mission to bring the restorative power of healing testimony to the forefront, and will reprimand false testimony in whole or in part by any testimonial-giver, subject to any small or major untruths being uncovered in said testimony.


a. If they are giving testimony concerning an issue in which the sexual preference of the aggrieved of that congregation which was the cause for which they might have been invited to give Testimony in acknowledgement of any wrongdoing or in rebuttal to what they believe was an inaccurate conclusion of the aggrieved that necessitated the aggrieved to want to deliver testimony for the congregation to hear; in which, the congregation will determine either in public or private to way the nature of the testimony to determine its veracity against one who might rebut it.


a. If they are giving testimony concerning an issue in which the sexual preference of the aggrieved of that congregation which was the cause for which they might have been invited to give Testimony in acknowledgement of any wrongdoing or in rebuttal to what they believe was an inaccurate conclusion of the aggrieved that necessitated the aggrieved to want to deliver testimony for the congregation to hear and the receipt of an invitation to deliver a rebuttal; the congregation will determine either in public or private how to way the nature of the rebuttal to determine its veracity against the testimony of the aggrieved.


a. There is only one rebuttal. The aggrieved gives testimony first, followed by the alleged offender if they decided to appear upon invitation. If the offender is unable to attend in person, perhaps they are in jail, then a written statement rebuttal will be accepted to be read by a family member or one chosen by the alleged offender.

b. A maximum of three sets of alleged aggrieved and offenders are able to give testimony during a Sunday Sabbath. Each testimonial is to last no longer than twenty-minutes for a maximum duration of 120 minutes during the Sabbath.


a.. How do I join The Healing Faith as an adherent?

You are an adherent of The Healing Faith if you repeat
the following three times successively.

I believe in the healing power of sharing my testimony.
I believe in the power of singing healing praises with you.
I believe in the healing power of you sharing a meal with me.

b. How do I leave The Healing Faith as an adherent?

There are other recognized faiths out there. We hope you find one that fits your needs, if The Healing Faith does not. 


a. In the future, once Healing Faith Temples have been constructed, the temples will be staffed 24/7 by at at least three adult women, three adult men, and armed security (archers w/knives) personnel.

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